Here's the picture:
I have a code split across some jars and libraries in the following hierarchy:
------ Secondary.jar
------ Lib1.jar
------ Libx.jar
The main class in Main.jar calls another main class on Secondary.jar like this:
ArrayList<String> commands = new ArrayList<String>();
commands.add("<Secondary Main class cannonical path>");
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(commands);
When I run this from the IDE and/or command prompt (the command that the println output) it works fine. When ran from javawebstart that process fails because it can't find Secondary Main class in the classpath.
I suspect it is related to how JWS handles the downloaded resources and such.
Any idea?
Sun made it impossible for an applet or JWS app. to determine the location on the local file-system at which the app. is installed. It is none of the apps. business to know that.