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XSLT namespace error failed to parse qname

Good folks at stackoverflow... I am trying to create a XSLT transformation that will generate a Turtle file (RDF related). Part of that involves output of prefixed namespaces, something like this:

<xsl:transform xmlns:xsl=""

  <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>

  <xsl:template match="/">
@prefix rdfs: <>' .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix dc: <> .

When I try to apply the transformation, I get:

$ xsltproc zcoda_ttl_v02x.xslt zcoda_data_v02.xml > zcoda_data_v02x.ttl | x.txt
zcoda_ttl_v02x.xslt:10: namespace error : Failed to parse QName 'http:'
@prefix rdfs: <>' .
zcoda_ttl_v02x.xslt:10: parser error : error parsing attribute name
@prefix rdfs: <>' .
zcoda_ttl_v02x.xslt:10: parser error : attributes construct error
@prefix rdfs: <>' .
zcoda_ttl_v02x.xslt:10: parser error : Couldn't find end of Start Tag http: line 10
@prefix rdfs: <>' .

So, I am at a loss here. The Turtle output that I seek contains many of these cases. Is there some way to stop the processor and just consider the http... as plain data (like the CDATA option in xml) ? Thanks, John


  • Use entities:

    @prefix rdfs: &lt;;' .
    @prefix owl: &lt;; .
    @prefix dc: &lt;; .