Is there a function in XSLT that can takes in a directory path and gives back all the files in it??
I have a xml file now reads like this
Now, there's directory called dir
, has files fileX.xml
, fileY.xml
and a bunch of other xml files in it. I want to add these files on to the orginal xml file, so that I can get:
.... <!-- other files -->
Is there an XSLT way to do this?? something that takes in a dir root, and is able to iterator through all of the files in it?? And then I could just call something like:
<xsl:element name = file >
<xsl:copy> <!--whatever file name--> <xsl:copy>
all of the answers were very helpful. I ended up finding an external solution (using saxon). I thought it may be helpful for other people to post my solution here, although it is very specific to my own situation.
I use Ant to build a java web app and need to translate some xml files before deployment. Hence, I was using the xslt
task to do the job by adding the "saxon9.jar" in the classpath. And in my xsl file, I just did something like this:
<xsl:for-each select="collection('../dir/?select=*.xml')" >
<xsl:element name='file'>
<xsl:value-of select="tokenize(document-uri(.), '/')[last()]"/>
XSLT has nothing built-in for this task. XSLT is a transformation language - for dynamic output you generally need a transformation source that contains everything already (just in a different form) – you cannot create XML from nothing.
The three ways you can tackle the problem are:
It boils down to this:
Ergo: Don't use XSL for this.