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<input> lostfocus/onblur event in knockout

I want to execute an event on a knockout observable bound to an input. This function should be executed when the control lose focus, even without typing anything. I tried to change the event binding but it doesn't fire when the user moves away from the control without typing anything. I tried mouseout event, but that only fires when the user clicks elsewhere in the form, after losing focus - not exactly what I want. I want the even to fire as soon as the focus is moved away from the control, even with tab.

Following is the code I used for mouseout event:

    style="width: 200px;"
    data-bind="value: FirstName, 
               attr: {title: FirstNameErrorMessage },
               css: {validationFailed: !IsValidFirstName() },
               event: {mouseout: ValidateFirstName}" 

this.ValidateFirstName = function () {
    if (self.FirstName() == '') {
        self.FirstNameErrorMessage('First Name is required');

Can anyone help please?


  • I think that there are a few approaches that you could use. A nice option would be to use KO's hasfocus binding:

    You can bind against a boolean observable, and then subscribe to it. In the subscription, you can choose to only react when the value is now false.

    Something like:

    self.FirstName = ko.observable();
    self.FirstName.focused = ko.observable();
    self.FirstName.focused.subscribe(function(newValue) {
       if (!newValue) {
           //do validation logic here and set any validation observables as necessary

    Bind against it like:

    data-bind="value: FirstName, hasfocus: FirstName.focused"

    I think that this would be a good option if you want it to fire everytime a user leaves the field no matter how they leave it and regardless of whether a change was actually made.