How to use jOrtho spell checker? I have downloaded the latest dictionary (XML file) from wiktionary. Now how to compile it and implement it in my program?
I found the solution and these are the steps to add spell checking functionality. First download the jar and pre-compiled dictionary form here:
Following is the code snippet:
SpellChecker.setUserDictionaryProvider(new FileUserDictionary());
SpellChecker.registerDictionaries(this.getClass().getResource("/dictionary"), "en");
Here, messageWriter is JEditor pane. Refer to documentation explanation. Put the dictionaries.cnf and dictionary_en.ortho files inside src/dictionary folder.
You can also manipulate the pop-up menu options. Here is an example what I have done:
SpellCheckerOptions sco=new SpellCheckerOptions();
JPopupMenu popup = SpellChecker.createCheckerPopup(sco);
messageWriter.addMouseListener(new PopupListener(popup));
Restricting the options to 10. See docs.