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How can I run a cron job every 5 minutes starting from a time other than 0 minutes?

I would like to have a script run every 5 minutes let's say starting from 13:02 so I can have another script runs every 5 minutes but starting from 13:04 so the second script runs two minutes after the start of the first job. How can I achieve this?


  • Syntax 1

    */5+2 * * * * 1st-script
    */5+4 * * * * 2nd-script

    For future reference take a look at this online Cron Job Generator.

    Syntax 2

    Since there are several reports that the + syntax is not working on Ubuntu 14.04, here's a variation:

    2-59/5 * * * * 1st-script
    4-59/5 * * * * 2nd-script

    This will result in the 1st script to run every 5 minutes starting with an offset of 2 minutes at the beginning of each hour and the 2nd script to behave the same with an offset of 4 minutes.