This is my first time developing a responsive website, and I attempted using the CodeIgniter user_agent class.
I notice that there's
However, the picture I have in mind is for the website on a tablet to look pretty similar to the browser, and only the mobile site to load a different view
file altogether.
However, is_mobile() includes both tablets and mobile phones, and it's not what I'm hoping for. Is there an alternative to this?
Reason: I am using jQuery mobile, and I load a completely different layout for the mobile phone, and I don't want this view to appear on tablets.
You have a couple of options.
You can extend the library and create a method to check for tablet:
class MY_User_agent extends CI_User_agent {
public function __construct()
public function is_tablet()
//logic to check for tablet
// usage
Or you could override the existing is_mobile()
method in the library to have the functionality you want:
class MY_User_agent extends CI_User_agent {
public function __construct()
public function is_mobile()
// you can copy the original method here and modify it to your needs
// usage
class MY_User_agent extends CI_User_agent {
public function __construct()
public function is_ipad()
return (bool) strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'iPad');
// can add other checks for other tablets
public function index()
($this->agent->is_ipad() === TRUE) ? $is_ipad = "Yes" : $is_ipad = "No";
echo "Using ipad: $is_ipad";