I have a custom binding for a jquery autogrow plugin that can be seen here Autosize knockout custom binding autosize on load
The code for reference:
ko.bindingHandlers.autogrow = {
init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor) {
ko.applyBindingsToNode(element, { value: valueAccessor() });
ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback(element, function () {
$(element).autosize({ append: "\n" });
$(element).focus(function () {
I am using it as follows:
<textarea id="autogrow" class="text-nm span2" data-bind="autogrow: AreaProcessName, attr: { id: 'AreaProcessName' + Id }, event: { change: ViewModel.vmAreaProcess.SetAreaRevision($data) }"></textarea>
The attr binding is still working but the event binding on change has stopped working.
Any ideas?
jsfiddle.net/sujesharukil/3p9bj/17 this seems to be working fine. All I did was remove the ($data) from the change event. The reason as I pointed out in my first comment is when you set something like
data-bind="event: {'someevent': func()}
what essentially is happening is, the even handler for someevent is being set as the return of func() call. Since your function ViewModel.vmAreaProcess.SetAreaRevision is not returning a handler function, it will not do a callback when the even is actually fired because the func() is executed immediately.
when you set it like this
data-bind="event: {'someevent': func}
you are actually binding 'someevent' to func handler. the func will be executed when the event is fired. Hope that clears it?