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Imagemapster: Cancel hover effect if area is selected?

I am using imagemapster to add some effects to an image map, it would be really awesome if I could cancel the hover effect for areas that are selected, is that possible?

edit: I am referring to


  • Okay, so I finally managed to obtain the effect I was talking about.

    First I used this in the main .mapster() options:

        onMouseover: function(data) {
            if ( data['selected'] !== true ) {
                $('#bgartisti').mapster('highlight', data['key']);              

    And this didn't work, because if you set highlight : false it disables them completely, as opposed to isSelectable ( like in the comment I added to the question ). So I commented the hover completely to manage it manually. I did that by commenting the statement at line 2725 in jquery.imagemapster.js