I was trying to write some test cases for my js functions, but I am facing an irritating issue.
In my script there is a code section like:
$("idOfTheDiv").fadeTo('fast', 1);
which works fine on my pages.
The problem came when I had wanted to write some js-test-driver unit test cases. When I want to verify the fadeTo function:
assertTrue($("#idOfTheDiv").css("opacity") == "0");
then it fails.
The reason could be that this is an animation and when I try to verify, it does not finish the animation.
Could somebody know a way to be able to test jQuery animate functions in js-test-driver?
To test asynchronous behaviour you need to use the AsyncTestCase from js-test-driver.
Try this:
FadeTest = AsyncTestCase("FadeTest", {
testFadeOut : function(queue) {
// add HTML to your Test
/*:DOC += <div id="idOfTheDiv"><p>foo</p></div>*/
var animationComplete = false;
queue.call('prepare test', function(callbacks) {
var onAnimationComplete = callbacks.add(function() {
animationComplete = true;
$("#idOfTheDiv").fadeOut('fast', onAnimationComplete);
// The async test will wait until the onAnimationComplete function has been called.
// So the following part is executed when the animation is done.
queue.call('assertion', function() {
// Now you can check the opacity of the div
assertEquals(0, $("#idOfTheDiv").css("opacity"));
Note: I haven't tried the code myself. Hope there are no typos. ;)
Edit: If the function you want to test does not have a callback functionality you can add it using AOP. The procedure is: