Here the basic navigation scheme in my application
Once I access the first view of the Tabbed View Controller, the TabView button interface is not present, rather only the top navbar with a "back" button. I want the View governed by both controllers. I've seen a lot of posts around here about this but they're all severely outdated and any pages linked to are no longer available.
You need to change this:
To this:
How you manage this part:
Depends on what you are aiming to do... is that viewController a loginScreen for example? You have various options such as
-->NavController-->ViewController--[modal segue]-->TabBarController
-->TabBarController-->Item1ViewController--[modal segue]-->loginController
That's a broader app design issue...
I have related answers here: My Tab bar controller disappears after a push segue
and here: How to handle UINavigationControllers and UITabBarControllers iOS 6.1