Consider I have a kendo grid like following
It has ItemId, Qty, Price and Total(template) column. I want to make Qty column editable and want to change total column value with the change of Qty column. Finally I want to retrieve all the values with new changes using iteration through grid.
Basically the easiest way would be to do this through the MVVM of kendo. Here is an example:
$(document).ready(function () {
var gridData = [
{ ItemId: "1001", Qty: 2, price: 200 }
, { ItemId: "1002", Qty: 1, price: 100 }
, { ItemId: "1003", Qty: 1, price: 150 }
dataSource: gridData
, selectable: "row",
grid = this;
var item = grid.dataItem(this);
, columns: [
{ field: "ItemId" }
, { field: "Qty" }
, { field: "price" }
, { title: "Quantity", width: "200", template: '<input data-role="numerictextbox" data-bind="value:Qty" data-max-value="100"/>' } , {
title: "Total"
, template: "#=Qty*price#"
And live version.