I'm working on a format-string vulnerability lab, where we're given the following code:
#define SECRET1 0x44
#define SECRET2 0x55
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char user_input[100];
int *secret;
int int_input;
int a, b, c, d; /* other variables, not used here.*/
/* The secret value is stored on the heap */
secret = (int *) malloc(2*sizeof(int));
/* getting the secret */
secret[0] = SECRET1;
secret[1] = SECRET2;
printf("The variable secret's address is 0x%.8x (on stack)\n", &secret);
printf("The variable secret's value is 0x%.8x (on heap)\n", secret);
printf("secret[0]'s address is 0x%.8x (on heap)\n", &secret[0]);
printf("secret[1]'s address is 0x%.8x (on heap)\n", &secret[1]);
printf("Please enter a decimal integer\n");
scanf("%d", &int_input); /* getting an input from user */
printf("Please enter a string\n");
scanf("%s", user_input); /* getting a string from user */
/* vulnerable place */
/* Verify whether your attack is successful */
printf("The original secrets: 0x%x -- 0x%x\n", SECRET1, SECRET2);
printf("The new secrets: 0x%x -- 0x%x\n", secret[0], secret[1]);
return 0;
We're not supposed to modify the code at all. Using just the input, we have 4 goals: crash the program, print the value at secret[1], modify the value at secret[1], and modify the value at secret[1] to a pre-determined value.
Sample output I get is:
The variable secret's address is 0xbfffe7cc (on stack)
The variable secret's value is -x0804a008 (on heap)
secret[0]'s address is 0x0804a008 (on heap)
secret[1]'s address is 0x0804a00c (on heap)
Please enter a decimal integer
Please enter a string
So, by entering 8 "%08x"s, I print the address of secret + 4, then I print the addresses of ints a, b, c, and d - but as I never gave them a value, they don't point anywhere and just display 0's. Following that is the decimal I input, chosen so that the 'ffff' would be clearly visible. Next comes the address of secret[0], then I get into other values stored in the program.
If I were to input AAAA.%08x.%08x.%08x.%08x.%08x.%08x.%08x%08x.
, after the .0804a008 would be .41414141, because the A's from the string input would be stored there.
It's pretty easy to crash the program: enough %s on the string input causes a segfault. Now I need to read the value at secret[1], though, and I'm totally lost. I tried trying to put the address on the stack somehow, by putting it at the start of the string like so: \xd0\xe7\xff\xbf_%08x.%08x.%08x.%08x.%08x.%08x.%s
, but the address isn't getting pushed anywhere and I just print secret[0] (which, for the curious, is 'D'). I've tried all sorts of address, but after a while I realized I was just storing all of them as a string where those A's showed up previously. They're not being converted to hex or anything.
I've seen a lot of discussion about this code on SA and other places, but I've yet to see anyone talk about how you get the values at secret[1].
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
To access secret[1] you must enter it address as the integer input.
Please enter a decimal integer
Please enter a string