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Join two database tables and output resutls to HTML table

For my current progress I need to create a table like the one below

pid cid eid name value

1    1   4   name  ab
2    1   5   amt    2
3    1   4   name   cd
4    1   5   amt    4

Instead of creating the table like this

pid cid  name amt

1    1    ab    22
2    1     cd    4

Anyhow created table as my wish with the below code

<table width="1204" height="100" border="1">
  <?php  $sqlname="Select * From  elements  where cat_id='1' order by e_id ";   

    <td colspan="2"><?php echo $rowname['lable_name']; ?></td>
  <?php $i=0; 
  $sqlprolist="select value from products_list where name='".$rowname['lable_name']."' and e_id='".$rowname['e_id']."'";

    <td><?php echo $rowprolist['value'];?></td>
    <?php if($i%8==0){
        <?php }?>
    <?php }?>
  <?php }?>

But I don't have any idea to retrieve data from the table for processing.


as by following martin the table created as like the below table

pid cid eid name  value

12   1  4  name    abc
1    1  4  name    cde
13   1  5  code    12
2    1  5  code    14

how to split up the data like

name code breeder quality size

abc   12   121     121     22
acfd  34   164     22      22



  • It's difficult to help you without seeing database structure. Please share it with us, you might get better answers.

    Anyway, I suppose you have two tables, elements and products_list. It looks like you need to lookup the value column in the products_list for every row in the elements table. You can merge these table into one result set using a single SQL query:

    SELECT e.p_id, e.cat_id, e.e_id, e.lable_name, p.value
    FROM elements e, products_list p
    WHERE e.cat_id='1' AND = e.lable_name AND p.e_id = e.e_id
    ORDER BY by e.e_id

    Note that the e.p_id is just a guess, you have not shared with us, where the "pid" column value gets from. Also not sure, if you actually need to match the rows using the = e.lable_name. If e_id is primary key, you might do with p.e_id = e.e_id only.

    What's the point of cid column? If it is indeed the cat_id column in database, why do you need it in HTML table, if you filter the elements to cat_id=1 anyway? Was that intentional?

    You can now take the results of the query and simply output it to a HTML table row by row like:

    <table width="1204" height="100" border="1">
        $sqlname =
            "SELECT e.p_id, e.cat_id, e.e_id, e.lable_name, p.value ".
            "FROM elements e, products_list p ".
            "WHERE e.cat_id='1' AND ".
            " = e.lable_name AND p.e_id = e.e_id".
            "ORDER BY e.e_id";   
        $resname = mysql_query($sqlname);
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($resname))
        <td><?php echo $row['p_id'];?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row['cat_id'];?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row['e_id'];?></td>
        <td><?php echo htmlspecialchars($row['lable_name']);?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row['value'];?></td>

    This is just a first step. It's unlikely this is correct answer. But I hope it helps you understand, what are you trying to do and to your question.

    This is hardly production-grade code. But I wanted to do as little changes as possible, so you can see, what is the actual change from your code.

    Also note that the mysql_ functions are deprecated. See the big red box on PHP documentation page.