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Sign up page/form in Rails 3 not considering all fields required/mandatory

My sign up page has login. email, password, password_confirm and company fields . All of them are supposed to be mandatory but when i click on sign up it is not checking if any fields except password and password_confirm are blank!! I dont understand what is the difference as in my app/models/user.rb file i have validates presence for all fields. Please help me

Here's code(required lines)


class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :excel_files         # One user may have many excel files
  has_one  :user_access_validity# One user may have one license period 

  # Virtual attribute for the unencrypted password
  attr_accessor :password

  attr_accessible :login
  attr_accessible :email
  attr_accessible :password
  attr_accessible :password_confirmation
  attr_accessible :company

  #changes of 'validates' in accordance with rails 3:

  validates :login,  :presence => true, 
                        :length => { :within => 3..40}, 
                        :uniqueness => { :case_sensitive => false },
                        :format => { :with =>  /^([a-z_0-9\.]+)$/i },
                        :on => :create, 
                        :if => :is_login_entered?
  validates :email, :presence => true, 
                        :length => { :within => 7..100}, 
                        :uniqueness => { :case_sensitive => false },
                        :format => {:with => /^([a-z]+((\.?)|(_?))[a-z0-9]+@(|$/i},
                        :on => :create,
                        :if => :is_email_entered? 
  validates :company, :presence => true,
                        :format => { :with =>/(mindtree|RVCE)/i},
                        :format => { :with => /^([a-z]+)$/i },
                        :on => :create, 
                        :if => :is_company_entered? 

   validates :password, :presence => true,
                       :length => { :within => 4..40 },
                       :confirmation => true,
                       :format => { :with => /^([a-z0-9@!#\$]+)$/i },
                       :on => :create,
                       :if => :password_required?

  validates :password_confirmation, :presence => { :if => :password_required? }

  before_save :encrypt_password

  # is_email_entered? : checks whether the email field is entered or not
  # @params           : none
  # @return           : true  - if the email is entered
  #                     false - if the email is not entered
  def is_email_entered?

  # is_company_entered? : checks whether the company field is entered or not
  # @params             : none
  # @return             : true  - if the company is entered
  #                       false - if the company is not entered
  def is_company_entered?

  # is_login_entered? : checks whether the login field is entered or not
  # @params           : none
  # @return           : true  - if the login is entered
  #                     false - if the login is not entered
  def is_login_entered?
    puts "login"


    # password_required? : Checks whether either of the crypted_password and password field is blank
    # @params            : none
    # @return            : true  - if either of the crypted_password and password field is blank
    #                      false - if either of the crypted_password and password field is not blank
    def password_required?
      crypted_password.blank? || !password.blank?
      puts "in pr?"



def signup

        if logged_in?
            flash[:notice] = "<span class='error'>You have already registered with us!</span>".html_safe
            redirect_to :action => 'upload_file'
            @user =[:user])
            return unless
            self.current_user = @user
            random_number = @user.generate_random_number
            puts random_number
            new_random_number = "c" + + random_number
            @user.customerid = new_random_number
            @user.created_at = get_current_datetime
            # @user.updated_time = ''

            # save user's maximum access days
            user_validity =
            user_validity.user_id =
            user_validity.maximum_access_in_days = 90

            # redirect_back_or_default(:controller => '/account', :action => 'welcome')
            redirect_to :controller => '/account', :action => 'welcome'
            flash[:notice] = "<span class='success'>Thanks for registering!</span>".html_safe



<font color=red>(Fields marked * are mandatory)</font><h3>Sign me up!</h3>

<span class='error'><%= error_messages_for (@user) %></span>

<%= form_for :user do |f| -%>

<span class='error'><%= flash[:msg] %></span>

<p><label for="login"><span class='redcolor'>*</span>Login</label><br/>
<%= f.text_field :login %></p>

<p><label for="email"><span class='redcolor'>*</span>Email</label><br/>
<%= f.text_field :email %></p>

<p><label for="password"><span class='redcolor'>*</span>Password</label><br/>
<%= f.password_field :password %></p>

<p><label for="password_confirmation"><span class='redcolor'>*</span>Confirm Password</label><br/>
<%= f.password_field :password_confirmation %></p>

<p><label for="company"><span class='redcolor'>*</span>Company</label><br/>
<%= f.text_field :company %></p>

<p><%= f.submit 'Sign up', :name=> 'sign_up' %></p>

<% end -%>


  • The problem is that you pass an if option to your validation which also applies to the presence validation. Take for example the following

    validates :login,
      :presence => true, 
      :length => { :within => 3..40}, 
      :uniqueness => { :case_sensitive => false },
      :format => { :with =>  /^([a-z_0-9\.]+)$/i },
      :on => :create, 
      :if => :is_login_entered?

    is_login_entered? is called when validating the presence of login which conflicts with the validation which is why the validation is skipped. Change your validation to

    validates :login, :presence => true, :on => :create
    validates :login,
      :length => { :within => 3..40}, 
      :uniqueness => { :case_sensitive => false },
      :format => { :with =>  /^([a-z_0-9\.]+)$/i },
      :on => :create, 
      :if => :is_login_entered?

    This way, the other validations will only run if a login is present.