function TheFunctionICanUseRightAwaySingleForAllInstansesAndWithoutInstanse() {
function() {
The Long-named function must be callable from MyGlobalObject
, which in turn must be available as a global (to window
) variable in all times after script was loaded. It should support extensibility in accordance with latest standards.
I'm at architectural dilemma of how to built JS base for an application (almost 100% JS).
We need an object i.e. window.MyObject
(like a module, like jQuery) so
It can be created with
var MyGlobalObjConstructor = function(){
this.GlobalFunctionInObject = function(){
alert('called with MyGlobalObj.GlobalFunctionInObject()');
window.MyGlobalObj = new MyGlobalObjConstructor();
Is MyGlobalObj
extensible? Can I create child objects, which will inherit current state of MyGlobalObj
(extended functions/properties MyGlobalObj.NewFunc
e.g.)? What is the main difference between using prototype (VAR3)?
By GlobaldFunction
I mean single instance for all initialized/instantiated (possibly instantializable) instances..
Or with
var MyGlobalObj = {
GlobalFunctionInObject: function...
GlobalFunctionInObject2: function...
// here I lose all hierarchy elements, no prototype,
// can I use GlobalFunctionInObject2 in GlobalFunctionInObject?
Or with
var MyGlobalConstuctor = function(){} // already 'well-formed' object
MyGlobalConstuctor.prototype.GlobalFunctionInObject = function...
var MyGlobalObj = new MyGlobalConstuctor();
// so I'm sceptical to NEW, because I have ALREADY wrote my functions
// which I expect to be in memory, single instance of each of them,
// so creating MyObject2,3,4 with NEW MyGC() makes no sense to me.
// DO I REALLY HAVE TO USE "MyGlobalConstuctor.prototype." FOR EACH FUNCTION?!!!!
What's the difference defining MyGlobalObj
as a function and as an object (result of func or VAR2)?
I see in Chrome Debugger both prototype and __proto__
special fields. I've read that that's OK, but why are they not saved in a single prototype?
So, what is the correct/optimal way to implement window.MyObject
, so one could MyObject.MyFunction();
What are the differences (pro/contra) of variants 1 2 and 3?
function SomeType() {
var priv = "I'm private";
this.publ = "I'm public";
this.action = function() {
return priv + this.publ;
var obj = new SomeType();
With this method you are creating a new object every time you call new SomeType()
, creating all its methods and adding all this method to the new object. Every time you create an object.
obj instanceof SomeType
will return trueprivate
, not protected
, subtypes can't access themfunction SubType() {;
this.newMethod = function() {
// can't access priv
return this.publ;
var child = new SubType();
child instanceof SomeType
will return false there is no other way to know if child has SomeType methods than look if it has them one by one.
var obj = {
publ: "I'm public",
_convention: "I'm public too, but please don't touch me!",
someMethod: function() {
return this.publ + this._convention;
In this case you are creating a single object. If you are going to need only one instance of this type it can be the best solution.
You can inherit a object prototyping it.
var child = Object.create(obj);
child.otherMethod = function() {
return this._convention + this.publ;
If you are on a old browser you will need to garantee Object.create
if (!Object.create) {
Object.create = function(obj) {
function tmp() { }
tmp.prototype = obj;
return new tmp;
To know if a object is a prototype of another you can use
obj.isPrototypeOf(child); // true
UPDATE: This is the pattern ES6 classes are sugar syntax of. If you use ES6 classes you are following this pattern under the hood.
class SomeType {
constructor() {
// REALLY important to declare every non-function property here
this.publ = "I'm public";
this._convention = "I'm public too, but please don't touch me!";
someMethod() {
return this.publ + this._convention;
class SubType extends SomeType {
constructor() {
super(/* parent constructor parameters here */);
this.otherValue = 'Hi';
otherMethod() {
return this._convention + this.publ + this.otherValue;
function SomeType() {
// REALLY important to declare every non-function property here
this.publ = "I'm public";
this._convention = "I'm public too, but please don't touch me!";
SomeType.prototype.someMethod = function() {
return this.publ + this._convention;
var obj = new SomeType();
You can re-assign the prototype insteadd of adding each method if you are not inheriting and remember to re-assign the constructor property:
SomeType.prototype = {
constructor: SomeType,
someMethod = function() {
return this.publ + this._convention;
Or use _.extend or $.extend if you have underscore or jquery in your page
_.extend(SomeType.prototype, {
someMethod = function() {
return this.publ + this._convention;
The new
keyword under the hood simply does this:
function doNew(Constructor) {
var instance = Object.create(Constructor.prototype);
return instance;
var obj = doNew(SomeType);
What you have is a function than has no methods; it just has a prototype
property with a list of functions, the new
operator means to create a new object and use this function's prototype (Object.create
) and constructor
property as initializer.
function SubType() {
// Step 1, exactly as Variation 1
// This inherits the non-function properties;
this.otherValue = 'Hi';
// Step 2, this inherits the methods
SubType.prototype = Object.create(SomeType.prototype);
SubType.prototype.otherMethod = function() {
return this._convention + this.publ + this.otherValue;
var child = new SubType();
You may think it looks like a super-set of Variation 2... and you'll be right. It's like variation 2 but with a initializer function (the constructor);
child instanceof SubType
and child instanceof SomeType
will return both true
Curiosity: Under the hood instanceof
operator does is
function isInstanceOf(obj, Type) {
return Type.prototype.isPrototypeOf(obj);
When you do Object.create(obj)
under the hood it does
function fakeCreate(obj) {
var child = {};
child.__proto__ = obj;
return child;
var child = fakeCreate(obj);
The __proto__
property modifies directly the object's hidden [Prototype]
property. As this can break JavaScript behaviour, it's not standard. And the standard way is preferred (Object.create
key can change the object's prototypevar child = { __proto__: obj };
obj.isPrototypeOf(child); // true
Oh, yes, functions are objects so they have methods, I will mention three: .call(), .apply() and .bind()
When you use .call() on a function, you can pass one extra argument, the context, the value of this
inside the function, for example:
var obj = {
test: function(arg1, arg2) {
// These two ways to invoke the function are equivalent
obj.test('hi', 'lol');
// If we call fn('hi', 'lol') it will receive "window" as "this" so we have to use call.
var fn = obj.test;, 'hi', 'lol');
So when we do
we are passing the object this
to function SomeCall
, as you remember this function will add methods to object this
I mean any property your object will have that is not a function must be defined on the constructor, not on the prototype, otherwise you will face one of the more confusing JS problems. You can see it here, but it's outside of the focus of this question.
Actually you might not see the difference and this is what makes it a dangerous bug. Every function's prototype object has a constructor
property so you can access the constructor from an instance.
function A() { }
// When you create a function automatically, JS does this:
// A.prototype = { constructor: A };
A.prototype.someMethod = function() {
console.log(this.constructor === A); // true
return new this.constructor();
A.staticMethod = function() { };
It's not a best practice because not everybody knows about it, but sometimes it helps. But if you reassign the prototype...
A.prototype = {
someMethod = function() {
console.log(this.constructor === A); // false
console.log(this.constructor === Object); // true
return new this.constructor();
is a new object, a instance of Object
than prototypes Object.prototype
and Object.prototype.constructor
is Object
. Confusing, right? :P
So if you overwrite the prototype and don't reset the "constructor" property, it will refer to Object
instead of A
, and if you try to use the "constructor" property to access some static method you may get crazy.