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omit xml declaration when saving xml with boost

Is it possible, via the xml_writer_settings used as third parameter in the write_xml call, to omit the xml declaration when the function saves the xml? I mean, I would like not to have the initial "xml version="blah" encoding="blah blah" part. I'm searching the internet but I still haven't found an answer. How to do it?


  • No, it's not possible. look here for members of xml_writer_settings

    And too, write_xml calls write_xml_internal that is (in boost 1.52)

    template<class Ptree>
    void write_xml_internal(
    std::basic_ostream<typename Ptree::key_type::value_type> &stream, 
    const Ptree &pt,
    const std::string &filename,
    const xml_writer_settings<typename Ptree::key_type::value_type> & settings)
        typedef typename Ptree::key_type::value_type Ch;
        typedef typename std::basic_string<Ch> Str;
        stream  << detail::widen<Ch>("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"")
                << settings.encoding
                << detail::widen<Ch>("\"?>\n");
        write_xml_element(stream, Str(), pt, -1, settings);
        if (!stream)
            BOOST_PROPERTY_TREE_THROW(xml_parser_error("write error", filename, 0));