I have done a lot of searching over the last few days in regards to Checking if a scheduled task exists, if so <insert awesome here>
. Basically I have an app that installs and uninstalls our software's scheduled tasks. What I need to do now is have a checkbox be checked if the task is there and unchecked if it's not. There was a reference to using:
ScheduledTasks st = new ScheduledTasks(server);
string[] taskNames = st.GetTaskNames();
List<string> jobs = new List<string>(taskNames);
which isn't working for me, it's stating that the ScheduledTasks namespace could not be found. I believe I have what I need installed. "using Microsoft.Win32.TaskScheduler;"
I haven't seen this ScheduledTasks within this wrapper.
The TaskScheduler Managed Wrapper uses a service idiom and you need to have the context of a folder.
They have good examples in their documentation, including one for enumerating all tasks.
If you want to find a particular task:
var t = taskService.GetTask(scheduledTaskName);
bool taskExists = t!=null;
if(taskExists) DoYourThing();
if your tasks are within a folder, then use something like the following
var t = taskService.GetTask(taskFolder + "\\" + scheduledTaskName);