I have a simpleTogglePanel set up as follows:
switchType="client" style="border: 0px;" bodyClass="myBodyClass">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText styleClass="panelHeader" value="#{myBean.header}"></h:outputText>
<f:facet name="closeMarker">
<h:outputText value="^"/>
<f:facet name="openMarker">
<h:outputText value=">" />
I want to move the open/close marker(which I have made ^ and > respectively to the left of the panel.
I have tried using float: left in myHeaderClass aswell as float:left !important and float:left;text-align: right.
Nowhere can I find anything that explains how to do this.The styling I found on sites where people were showing functionality of the simpleTogglePanel overall and this seemed to be all I didn't have.
I am using JSF 1.2(Apache MyFaces Implementation) and Richfaces 3.3.
CSS which govern the markers in rich:simpleTogglePanel
is rich-stglpnl-marker
as per RichFaces reference guide (scroll down for Classes names that define a component appearance section)
rich-stglpnl-marker Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of a marker
Whereas headerClass
is applicable for header elements only.
headerClass applicable to header elements