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Disable, or, set to always no: "Options have changed -- save them? (y or n)"

How, please, can I disable this prompt from appearing on exit: "Options have changed -- save them? (y or n)"

Alternatively, I'd like the answer to this particular question to always be "no" without further keyboard input required to exit.

My init.el file for Aquamacs 2.4 is creating a change in the options, and I do not want to create a customizations.el by saying yes to the question.


Here is the code from the customizations.el that is generated if I answer the prompt with a "yes" when exiting.

 '(aquamacs-additional-fontsets nil t)
 '(aquamacs-customization-version-id 215 t)
 '(aquamacs-tool-bar-user-customization nil t)
 '(default-frame-alist (quote ((background-mode . light) (border-color . "black") (mouse-color . "black") (background-color . "white") (foreground-color . "black") (menu-bar-lines . 1) (cursor-type . box) (vertical-scroll-bars . right) (internal-border-width . 0) (left-fringe . 1) (right-fringe) (fringe) (cursor-color . "red") (tool-bar-lines . 0))))
 '(global-flyspell-mode t)
 '(global-hl-line-mode t)
 '(global-linum-mode t)
 '(global-show-newlines-mode t)
 '(ns-tool-bar-display-mode (quote both) t)
 '(ns-tool-bar-size-mode (quote regular) t)
 '(size-indication-mode t)
 '(visual-line-mode nil t))

 '(emacs-lisp-mode-default ((t (:inherit autoface-default :height 180 :family "Courier"))) t)
 '(latex-mode-default ((t (:inherit default height 180 :family "Courier"))))
 '(plain-tex-mode-default ((t (:inherit default :height 180 :family "Courier"))) t)
 '(text-mode-default ((t (:inherit autoface-default :stipple nil :strike-through nil :underline nil :slant normal :weight normal :height 180 :width normal :family "Courier"))))
 '(whitespace ((((class color) (background light)) (:background "white" :foreground "red" :weight ultra-bold :width ultra-expanded))))
 '(whitespace-space ((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "red")))))

Here is the debug message that is visible on quit:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (quit)
  old-y-or-n-p("Options have changed - save them? ")
  (if (and long (not aquamacs-quick-yes-or-no-prompt)) (old-yes-or-no-p text) (old-y-or-n-p text))
  (let ((text ...)) (if (and long ...) (old-yes-or-no-p text) (old-y-or-n-p text)))
  (progn (and (fboundp ...) smart-frame-positioning-mode (smart-move-minibuffer-inside-screen f)) (let (...) (if ... ... ...)))
  (if (or (and last-nonmenu-event ...) (not use-dialog-box) (not window-system)) (progn (and ... smart-frame-positioning-mode ...) (let ... ...)) (let (...) (if ... ...) ret))
  (let ((f ...)) (make-frame-visible f) (raise-frame f) (if (or ... ... ...) (progn ... ...) (let ... ... ret)))
  aquamacs-ask-for-confirmation("Options have changed - save them? \nYour customizations will be lost if you don't save them." nil "Save" "Don't Save")
  (progn (aquamacs-ask-for-confirmation "Options have changed - save them? \nYour customizations will be lost if you don't save them." nil "Save" "Don't Save"))
  (if (eq aquamacs-save-options-on-quit (quote ask)) (progn (aquamacs-ask-for-confirmation "Options have changed - save them? \nYour customizations will be lost if you don't save them." nil "Save" "Don't Save")) aquamacs-save-options-on-quit)
  (and (or aquamacs-faces-changed (filter-list changed ...)) (if (eq aquamacs-save-options-on-quit ...) (progn ...) aquamacs-save-options-on-quit))
  (if (and (or aquamacs-faces-changed ...) (if ... ... aquamacs-save-options-on-quit)) (aquamacs-menu-bar-options-save))
  (let* ((changed ...)) (if (and ... ...) (aquamacs-menu-bar-options-save)))
  (condition-case nil (let* (...) (if ... ...)) (error nil))
  (and (or (not ...) (let ... ... ...)) (run-hook-with-args-until-failure (quote kill-emacs-query-functions)) (or (null confirm-kill-emacs) (funcall confirm-kill-emacs "Really exit Aquamacs? ")) (kill-emacs))
  (progn (setq timer-idle-list) (save-some-buffers arg t) (and (or ... ...) (run-hook-with-args-until-failure ...) (or ... ...) (kill-emacs)))
  (unwind-protect (progn (setq timer-idle-list) (save-some-buffers arg t) (and ... ... ... ...)) (setq timer-idle-list saved-timer-idle-list))
  (let ((saved-timer-idle-list timer-idle-list)) (unwind-protect (progn ... ... ...) (setq timer-idle-list saved-timer-idle-list)))
  call-interactively(aquamacs-save-buffers-kill-emacs nil nil)


  • Well with the caveat that I don't have Aquamacs, I can see what appears to be the answer in the stack trace.

    Have a look at:
    C-hv aquamacs-save-options-on-quit RET