Using the off-site test account (Dwolla Reflector
), I am able to get a successful transaction indicated by status=Completed
. I also get all of the expected results including an empty transactionid, valid signature, checkout id etc.. when in test mode. However, no payment activity in my account at all.
The documentation for the reflector doesn't specify usage of test-mode or not. My assumption was a test account would be in test-mode but one could also assume based on the documentation that test-mode should not be used.
Can anyone clarify the conditions to properly use the Dwolla reflector to actually see payment activity? I'm looking for all of the required conditions if possible including, for example, if a valid funding source must be setup and verified to use the reflector and see payment activity in the Dwolla dashboard
. (or perhaps point me to documentation that addresses this?)
After working with other payment networks it is hard not to make assumptions about Dwolla.
The TestMode=LIVE or TestMode=TEST. One assumption being that a test account would allow you to
complete the entire test cycle. However this is not the case with Dwolla. Here is what I found
that addresses the exact requirements to use the Dwalla reflector account.
1. Developer Account Setup
2. Account must be 100% active and have valid funds
3. TestMode=LIVE
4. Amounts less than 10.00 (if you want to avoid fees)
The Dwolla reflector account has nothing to do with TestMode and trying to set TestMode=TEST output unexpected
results. (compared to other payment networks i've worked with).
The cause, in my case was the funds had not yet cleared (account not 100%) and I thought the reflector account was a test account
because the Dwolla documentation at says it is a test account
but makes no mention of the configuration setting of TestMode=Live. A test account you would think would require
test mode / environment.