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Sum only matched values from two columns

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Hello Everyone,

Does anyone know how to sum the Hours from column B (Hours) if column A numbers matched with column E and sum by months.

Example, take February data as an example, since only 3000 & 4000 existed in both column A & column E, that's why I need to sum the hours (20+10=30) from column B by it's month below.

I also attached the example excel sheet below.

Thanks in advance. :-)


  • You could get complicated with customer functions but if having an extra column (potentially hidden) doesn't matter then this would work:

    In cell D2 enter:


    Drag the formula down.

    Under each month you can then put:


    Drag the formula across

    This assumes you can change the month format in either column C or row 22 to be the same, ie. Jan, Feb, Mar or January, February, March etc.

    Written on the fly and not tested so excuse any minor errors...