This was originally a question about the Worklight documentation, it transpires that my real question is about JQuery's Deferred/Promise API and the promise.then() function.
The documentation for the 5.0.6 JsonRestStore API gives examples of using the new Promise capability offering two possible formulations.
These two approaches seem, as comments and answers state, effectively the same.
My puzzle is that the JQuery documentation states that then() returns a "new promise".
hence in the second case we are coding:
var p1 = someFunction();
var p2 = p1.then(successCallback);;
I've also seen folks set up a "chain" of actions like this:
setting up a chain of asynchronous actions. So my question becomes what is the relationship between the promises p1 and p2 in the example above. How does that relate to the chain idea?
--- edited to reference the answer ---
Thanks to cnandreu: the key point is that "errors are propagated down a promise chain until an error handler is found." The answer is explained nicely here.
var p1 = someFunction();
var p2 = p1.then(successCallback);;
So my question becomes what is the relationship between the promises p1 and p2 in the example above. How does that relate to the chain idea?
Promises are a way of handling asynchronous code, here's a quick video and article that explains them. someFunction()
is going to do an async task, when it finishes it (i.e. gets resolved) it executes the successCallback
and if that fails (ie. is rejected) it executes the errorCallback
. The relationship is that p2
is a promise that will get executed only when p1
gets rejected. Think of p1.then(win, fail)
and p1.then(win).fail(fail)
as two ways of writing the same thing.
The original question was probably referring to the following:
A promise object is returned after a JSONStore asynchronous operation is called (find, add, remove, and so on). [...] The [JSONStore.add, JSONStore.find, etc.] failure callback, passed as either the second parameter of .then or the first parameter of .fail returns an error object, [...]
from the JSONStore Documentation. The documentation is specific to the JSONStore API, we refer readers to the jQuery documentation to learn about how promises work in general (see jQuery's API documentation for more details.).
Here's an example:
var collections = {
people : {
searchFields : {name: 'THIS_SHOULD_PRODUCE_AN_ERROR'}
//the code here should not be called because we expect to fail
console.log(typeof res === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(res) : res);
The output is:
If we switch to .then(success, failure)
var collections = {
people : {
searchFields : {name: 'THIS_SHOULD_PRODUCE_AN_ERROR'}
var success = function(res){
//the code here should not be called because we expect to fail
console.log(typeof res === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(res) : res);
var failure = function(err){
WL.JSONStore.init(collections).then(success, failure);
We get the same output:
Mix them, pick one or use the deprecated callbacks. All JSONStore examples in the documentation should work as expected. Please update your question with real citations from the documentations and a real example showing that the documentation is wrong and I will update my answer. If it turns out something is wrong, I will do everything possible to fix it.