appcmd set config /section:applicationPools /[name='xxx - yyy'].processModel.idleTimeout:0.00:00:00
When I run this command, instead of receiving a validation message or an error message, the command goes "idle". It actually just display the caret and I can write text, or wathever... until I CTRL+Break the command. I tried waiting for 10 minutes but nothing else ever happens.
It's really weird, the command seems correct :S
Do you know what I possibly could be doing wrong?
Apparently when there is a space in the application pool's name, you have to put the "modification parameters" in quote. So the command should actually be like this:
appcmd set config /section:applicationPools "/[name='xxx - yyy'].processModel.idleTimeout:0.00:00:00"
It really gets me to wonder why the simple quotes aren't useful enough.