The following code unmarshal's the "Id", but not the "Hostname". Why? I've been staring at it for long enough now that if it's a typo I know I'll never spot it. Help please. (
package main
import (
type jsonStatus struct {
Hostname string `json:host`
Id string `json:id`
func main() {
msg := []byte(`{"host":"Host","id":"Identifier"}`)
status := new(jsonStatus)
err := json.Unmarshal(msg, &status)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Unmarshall err", err)
fmt.Printf("Got status: %#v\n", status)
The output I get is
Got status: &main.jsonStatus{Hostname:"", Id:"Identifier"}
where I expect
Got status: &main.jsonStatus{Hostname:"Host", Id:"Identifier"}
Your field tags are wrong. They need quotes around the alternate name.
type jsonStatus struct {
Hostname string `json:"host"`
Id string `json:"id"`
Technically, you don't need a tag for the Id
field at all. That's why that field was working.