I have got a complex model which is contains a load of ko.observable, ko.observableArray and nested objects which contain even more of these observables.
Now originally I had to make methods within each of the models which in composition make up the larger model to take Json data and then populate its observables. Now I tried the ko.mapping plugin but when I use that doing:
ko.mapping.fromJS(jsonData, {}, existingModel);
Which appears to work for most objects, however I have noticed that when I do this it seems to completely overwrite the object, and as I am using knockout js validation i.e:
this.Name = ko.observable().extend({ required: true });
this.Age = ko.observable().extend({ required: true, digits: true });
Problem is that these validation attributes seem to be removed when using the mapping module, so is there a way to get the mapping plugin to just update the values, rather than tampering with the object schema...
I am more than happy to use a different mechanism other than ko.mapping if there is a better way to apply Json data to the models.
I ended up having to stick with my approach although I did manage to reduce a LARGE amount of the code written to populate the existing fields by writing the simple plugin below:
It is very simple and doesn't really do much other than just match up objects with the same name to their existing fields. I was hoping to manage child object creation, so it could populate the entire object tree, but alas I ran out of time.
Hopefully it would at least show a possible solution without having to write lots of verbose code to update a model.