Because the address xxxx:yyyyyyyy is 32 bits in protected mode, I put a 48-bits address in a piece of memory and want to give indirect jmp
, here is what I wrote:
mov eax,s1
mov [address],eax
mov ax,SelectorCode32
mov [address+4],ax
jmp fword [address]
address:dd 0
dw 0
But the nasm shows that jmp fword [address]
is wrong, I've read some suggestions like this, but didn't help either, so what should I do?
The NASM's syntax for near and far calls is different from those of TASM and MASM.
Here are the two options for indirect jumps:
jmp [fptr] ; jump to CS:0x12345678
jmp far [fptr] ; jump to 0xABCD:0x12345678
fptr dd 0x12345678
dw 0xABCD
You can also always push the far address onto the stack and do retf