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DOM click() is not working on this button

When I use method click() to click the button, the submission failed.
But, when I use the mouse to click the button on that webpage, (the submit form is same) it works.

HTML file:

<button xmlns="" class="ui-button button1"       type="submit" id="create">

My userscript file:


How do I click the button using HTML DOM click()?


  • The click method does not always work. Try sending a click event similarly to this answer:

    var targBtn     = document.querySelector ("#create");
    var clickEvent  = document.createEvent ('MouseEvents');
    clickEvent.initEvent ('click', true, true);
    targBtn.dispatchEvent (clickEvent);

    But also beware that the button may not operate on clicks at all.   See "Choosing and activating the right controls on an AJAX-driven site".

    The button may operate on mousedown, mouseup, or some combination of events. Use the techniques from that question to activate the control. Link to the target page if you can't get it to work.