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How can I inject spring beans into jersey's resources class?

First I define a jersey resource, it defines a class GetAllProgramDesc, then inject a java beans "IDataDevProgram" into it.

   public class GetAllProgramDesc {

private IDataDevProgram dataProgram;

public IDataDevProgram getDataProgram() {
    return dataProgram;

public void setDataProgram(IDataDevProgram dataProgram) {
    this.dataProgram = dataProgram;

// The Java method will produce content identified by the MIME Media
// type "text/plain"
@GET @Path("/mbpprograms") 
public String getClichedMessage() {
    // Return some cliched textual content
    List<MbpProgram> list=dataProgram.showMbpProgramList(21294551);
    return JSONObject.toJSONString(list);


Then I wanna to inject a java beans into jersey resource class:

<bean id="dataDevProgram" class="">
    <property name="mDBops" ref="dataDevDBOps" />
    <property name="sqlManager" ref="sqlManger" />
    <property name="actionManager" ref="actionManger" />
    <property name="dataManager" ref="dataManageImpl" />
    <property name="constant" ref="constantproperty"/>

<bean id="datadevrest"    class="">
    <property name="dataProgram" ref="dataDevProgram" />

However, when i send a query to this url, the whole process crashed as follows:

java.lang.NullPointerException sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

is there any method to deal with this problem?


  • If you want to use Spring in Jersey you can use one of the following:

    Inject @Context ServletContext context; into your resource class,

    then use code such as:

    WebApplicationContext applicationContext = WebApplicationContextUtils.getRequiredWebApplicationContext(context); IDataDevProgram dataProgram = applicationContext.getBean(IDataDevProgram .class);

    Alternatively, you can also use jersey support for IoC container:

    @InjectParam IDataDevProgram dataProgram

    You will have to use jersey-spring contrib and apply SpringServlet in your web.xml, there are numerous short tutorials which explain how to do that