I've been trying to sort a checkbox field in DataTables jQuery plugin to check and uncheck.
I'm creating the input (checkbox) inside the table like this:
'<input type="checkbox" '+ check +' />'
check is containing the text "checked" or "".
So far I tried just to add DOM checkbox type of sort, like this:
{ "sSortDataType": "dom-checkbox" }
When I use the entire code from the plugin's API documentation, I get the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'afnSortData' of undefined inside my console.
Problem: pressing on the column header won't sort the column by checked or unchecked checkboxes.
I would like to get suggestions how to fix the above mentioned error or another way to sort using only jQuery and plugin's methods.
Just tried with a fixed code - no error. But sorting is messed up: it's just replacing with each other but not sorting. For example: if I have 1 checkbox checked and 9 not, the checked checkbox is switching from the third place to the sixth and again to the third and so on.
what I did create a bool var in hidden P so it will be in the same place as the checkbox. Then I disabled the option of change value in checkbox and the sorting is now working.