I have recently started working with Cassandra database and I was thinking of using Netflix client astyanax
. I went into this page-
And I thought after cloning the git repository, I can simply import the maven projects.
But after cloning the above repository, I cannot find out any pom.xml file in that? Am I looking at some wrong place? If not, then how should I import all the astyanax client examples into my workspace and play around with that.
Basically, I am just trying to play around with astyanax example and learn how to use astyanax client.
Thanks for the help.
That is because they are using Gradle to build their projects. You should download the tool and check its documentation, it's even simpler than Maven.
There is Gradle for Eclipse - if you are using Eclipse. Or even Springsource Tool Suite (STS) for Eclipse. That way you should be able to import the project(s) without any modification.