I have a RESTful web service with this format:
As it is defined, the web service works whether I add age parameter or not. So both examples are correct:
The amplify's request definition:
amplify.request.define( "usersService", "ajax", {
url: "/users",
type: "GET",
data: {age : "{age}"}
Invocation that works:
var myAge = 18;
amplify.request("usersService", {age : myAge});
Result is:
GET /users?age=18
Response code: 200 OK
Invocation that does not work:
var myAge = null;
amplify.request("usersService", {age : myAge});
Result is:
GET /users?age=
Response code: 400 BAD REQUEST
The correct result I was expecting when age is not defined is:
Response code: 200 OK
Any idea how to make this example works?
Thanks in advance. Regards Neuquino
The solution was not to define the "data" in request.define and adding or not the age attribute to the invocation.
var input = null;
if(myAge != null){
input.age = myAge
amplify.request.define( "usersService", "ajax", {
url: "/users",
type: "GET",
input is merged in the body, so if is empty, nothing is sent.