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WADPerformanceCountersTable is not created

I am trying to collect some performance counters from a worker role and WADPerformanceCountersTable is never created.

public override bool OnStart()
    // Set the maximum number of concurrent connections 
    ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 12;

    DiagnosticMonitorConfiguration diagConfig = DiagnosticMonitor.GetDefaultInitialConfiguration();

    var procTimeConfig = new PerformanceCounterConfiguration();
    procTimeConfig.CounterSpecifier = @"\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time";
    procTimeConfig.SampleRate = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);

    diagConfig.PerformanceCounters.ScheduledTransferPeriod = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);

    DiagnosticMonitor.Start("Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.Diagnostics.ConnectionString", diagConfig);

    return base.OnStart();

I have tried different log tables like WADLogsTable and WADDiagnosticInfrastructureLogsTable and both are created correctly.


  • Definitely, this problem is caused by the language of the system. It is explained here:

    Error in Azure Emulator when creating Performance Counters

    My Windows is the Spanish version, so the name of the performance counters must be in Spanish:

    procTimeConfig.CounterSpecifier = @"\Procesador(_Total)\% de tiempo de procesador";

    Be careful, this only works locally, not on the cloud.