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Replacing json-encoded URL with mod_proxy_html

I've currently installed a reverse proxy. An apache is doing this job. So I configured mod_proxy to adapt the urls. I also use mod_proxy_html to adapt HTML- and JavaScript-Links. Now I've got a problem with an ajax call which returns an json-encoded url.

Is there a way to do this with mod_proxy_html? Does anybody have a suggestion how to adapt those urls otherwise?

Thx in advance


  • I've found another way to substitute the json-links:

    I used the apache module mod_substitute. If you declare application/json as OutputFilter, the Proxy will replace the links. The syntax of mod_substitute resembles the syntax of the unix-/linux-command sed.

    A little example:

    AddOutputFilterByType SUBSTITUTE application/json Substitute "s|zuersetzen|ersetzt|n"

    Take the following link as reference: