I am using Ipage as a web host and I recently figured that an Html document I have
on my server wouldn't work because a json.z file it is using is read by the browser as "text/html"
instead of "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
(checked it out in fiddler).
How can I change this? Is it possible in a host like Ipage to set mime types or even view the list to find an extension which will be supported as "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
If not, It's not the first time that Ipage's "simplicity" limits my possibilities, what other hosts are more professional and will enable me to do that?
To set mime types on your server edit the ".htaccess" file, here is how:
Specificly on ipage there is a ".htaccess editor" which is easily reachable in the control panel and there you can add mime types: