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Wicket onchange event returns the old value

I am attaching an onchange event using the Wicket framework. The problem is that the old value keeps being returned as the event is fired (Which makes sense). See code below.

What I want to do is get the "new" value of the select / dropbox after it has changed.

How can I achieve this?

    dropdown.add(new AjaxEventBehavior("onchange") {

         * @param target
        protected void onEvent(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
            Component component = getComponent();
            DropDownChoice dropdown = (DropDownChoice) component;

            String value = dropdown.getValue();//This brings back the old value…


  • You'll have to use an AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior, otherwise the new value will not be submitted, then call getModelObject() to get hold of the new selection.