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.NET : How to set user information in an EventLog Entry?

The System.Diagnostics.EventLog class provides a way to interact with a windows event log. I use it all the time for simple logging...

System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("MyEventSource", "My Special Message")

Is there a way to set the user information in the resulting event log entry using .NET?


  • Toughie ...

    I looked for a way to fill the user field with a .NET method. Unfortunately there is none, and you must import the plain old Win32 API [ReportEvent function]( with a DLLImportAttribute

    You must also redeclare the function with the right types, as Platform Invoke Data Types says


    BOOL ReportEvent(
    __in  HANDLE hEventLog,
    __in  WORD wType,
    __in  WORD wCategory,
    __in  DWORD dwEventID,
    __in  PSID lpUserSid,
    __in  WORD wNumStrings,
    __in  DWORD dwDataSize,
    __in  LPCTSTR *lpStrings,
    __in  LPVOID lpRawData


    [DllImport("Advapi32.dll", EntryPoint="ReportEventW",  SetLastError=true,
    bool WriteEvent(
      IntPtr hEventLog, //Where to find it ?
      ushort  wType,
      ushort  wCategory,
      ulong dwEventID,
      IntPtr lpUserSid, // We'll leave this struct alone, so just feed it a pointer
      ushort wNumStrings,
      ushort dwDataSize,
      string[] lpStrings,
      IntPtr lpRawData

    You also want to look at [OpenEventLog]( and [ConvertStringSidToSid](

    Oh, and you're writing unmanaged code now... Watch out for memory leaks.Good luck :p