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How to know whether a CMIS property is modifiable?

I know how to read the properties of a CMIS Document.

But how to tell which property is modifiable, which property is read-only?
Using OpenCMIS/DotCMIS.

For instance, CMIS Workbench seems to know, because in its Property Editor, it only lists the field cmis:name, and not the other fields (like cmis:id).

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  • The PropertyDefinition object gives the updatability of a property. With OpenCMIS, you can retrieve "cmis:name" updatability like this :

    TypeDefinition typeDef = session.getTypeDefinition("cmis:document");
    Map<String,PropertyDefinition<?>> propertyDefs = typeDef.getPropertyDefinitions();
    PropertyDefinition namePropertyDef = propertyDefs.get("cmis:name");
    Updatability nameUpdatability = namePropertyDef.getUpdatability();
    if (Updatability.READONLY.equals(nameUpdatability)
        throw new Exception("This field can not be upated");

    You can have a look on OpenCMIS javadoc for details about updatability values