I'm playing with command model binding and I looked at the example github project and I have issues when using the dependency:
"org.scalatra" % "scalatra-data-binding" % "2.2.0-RC1"
Taking the example project code i.e.
abstract class TodosCommand[S](implicit mf: Manifest[S]) extends ModelCommand[S] with ParamsOnlyCommand
class CreateTodoCommand extends TodosCommand[Todo] {
val name: Field[String] = asType[String]("name").notBlank.minLength(3)
case class Todo(id: Integer, name: String, done: Boolean = false)
I am unable to compile when I use the command[CreateTodoCommand] method from the CommandSupport trait i.e.
scala: type arguments [au.com.xxx.sapi.seo.CreateTodoCommand] do not conform to method command's type parameter bounds [T <: SeoServlet.this.CommandType]
val cmd = command[CreateTodoCommand]
I'm not that clued up with Scala but I would assume that as ParamsOnlyCommand extends Command and there is this line in the command support trait, then there should be no issues:
type CommandType <: org.scalatra.databinding.Command
Any ideas why I am getting this issue?
Cheers, Chris.
It's very likely that the reason you're having problems is that we're still linking to an ancient example version, for which the docs no longer apply. I thought I'd caught all of the example projects in the docs and moved them into https://github.com/scalatra/scalatra-website-examples, but apparently I missed this one. Sorry for the hassle!
I'll see if I can fix this today sometime, and provide a compiling example. In the meantime, you might try updating all your Scalatra-related dependencies to the 2.2.0 release - and see if that fixes anything straight away.
The latest stable release of Scalatra is currently 2.2.1, but you'll need to be careful around commands as I remember @casualjim saying that he'd changed the way things worked to some extent between 2.2.0 and 2.2.1.