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Joomla stripping my iframe

I was trying to embed the following video in an article using the JCE editor in Joomla 2.5:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

However, either Joomla or JCE is stripping out the above code.

These are the steps I took to resolve this but was unsuccessful:

  • In Joomla's Text Filters (Global Configuration), I set the Super Users (me) to Custom Black List as the filter type, and the following Filter Tags (I left out iframe):

applet, body, bgsound, base, basefont, embed, frame,frameset, head, html, id, ilayer, layer, link, meta, name, object, script, style, title, xml

  • Next, in the JCE Administration Editor Global Configuration, I set Validate HTML (Cleanup & Output) = No

I saved all changes. What am I doing wrong?


  • Try to allow iframe in Profles -> desired Profile -> Plugin parameters -> Allow IFrames.