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ECEF from Azimuth, Elevation, Range and Observer Lat,Lon,Alt

I'm trying to write a basic python script that will track a given satellite, defined with tle's, from a given location. I'm not a asto/orbital person but am trying to become smarter on it.

I am running into a problem when I try to convert the azimuth, elevation, range values to a ECEF position. I'm using PyEphem to get the observation values and spg4 to get the real location to verify. I'm also using the website,, the verify the values.

I'm getting the observed azimuth, elevation and range with:

def get_ob(epoch, sv, obsLoc):
    site = ephem.Observer()
    site.lon = str(   # +E -104.77 here = str(obsLoc.lon)   # +N 38.95   here
    site.elevation = obsLoc.alt # meters    0 here
    #epoch = time.time() = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(epoch)

    sat = ephem.readtle(,sv.tle1,sv.tle2)

    az       = degrees(
    el       = degrees(sat.alt)
    #range in m
    range    = sat.range
    sat_lat  = degrees(sat.sublat)
    sat_long = degrees(sat.sublong)
    # elevation of sat in m
    sat_elev = sat.elevation

    x, y, z    = aer2ecef(az,el,range,38.95,-104.77,80 / 1000)

The reported azimuth, elevation and range match the website. I'm converting to ECEF positions with:

def aer2ecef(azimuthDeg, elevationDeg, slantRange, obs_lat, obs_long, obs_alt):

    #site ecef in meters
    sitex, sitey, sitez = llh2ecef(obs_lat,obs_long,obs_alt)

    #some needed calculations
    slat = sin(radians(obs_lat))
    slon = sin(radians(obs_long))
    clat = cos(radians(obs_lat))
    clon = cos(radians(obs_long))

    azRad = radians(azimuthDeg)
    elRad = radians(elevationDeg)

    # az,el,range to sez convertion
    south  = -slantRange * cos(elRad) * cos(azRad)
    east   =  slantRange * cos(elRad) * sin(azRad)
    zenith =  slantRange * sin(elRad)

    x = ( slat * clon * south) + (-slon * east) + (clat * clon * zenith) + sitex
    y = ( slat * slon * south) + ( clon * east) + (clat * slon * zenith) + sitey
    z = (-clat *        south) + ( slat * zenith) + sitez

    return x, y, z

When I plot that though, the position is way off (wrong side of globe). The position I get from the website and from spg4 match so I believe those to be the correct.

I'm not sure if the error is in my conversion method or I'm using the wrong data for the conversion. I found the method in a answer here: Get ECEF XYZ given starting coordinates, range, azimuth, and elevation

Any advice or suggestions for where I'm getting off would be very appreciated. Below is test input/outputs:

The satellites I'm testing with are the ISS and directv10 (one fixed, one moving- with internet tracking available for verification):

0 Direct10
1 31862U 07032A   13099.15996183 -.00000126  00000-0  10000-3 0  1194
2 31862 000.0489 046.9646 0000388 001.7833 103.5813 01.00271667 21104
1 25544U 98067A   13112.50724749  .00016717  00000-0  10270-3 0  9148
2 25544  51.6465  24.5919 0009906 171.1474 188.9854 15.52429950 26067

Observer site lla:

[38.95 -104.77 0.0]


sv: ISS ephem observed response(km)              @ epoch: 1365630559.000000 : [344.067992722211, -72.38297754053431, 12587.123][degrees(, degrees(sat.alt), sat.range]
sv: ISS ephem reported llh location(km)          @ epoch: 1365630559.000000 : [-41.678271938092195, -129.16682754513502, 421.06290625][degrees(sat.sublat0, degrees(sat.sublong), sat.elevation]
sv: ISS ephem calculated xyz location(km)        @ epoch: 1365630559.000000 : [688.24385373837845, 6712.2004971137103, -704.83633267710866][aer2ecef(az,el,range,,obsLoc.lon,obsLoc.alt)]
sv: ISS ephem llh from calc xyz location(km)     @ epoch: 1365630559.000000 : [-6.001014287867631, 84.1455657632957, 12587.123][ecef2llh()]
sv: ISS ephem xyz from reported llh location(km) @ epoch: 1365630559.000000 :[-3211.7910504146325, -3942.7032969856118, -4498.9656030253745][llh2ecef(lat,long,elev)]
sv: ISS spg84 ecef position(m) @ epoch: 1365630559.000000 : [-3207667.3380003194, -3936704.823960199, -4521293.5388663234]
sv: ISS spg84 ecef2llh(m)      @ epoch: 1365630559.000000 : [-41.68067424524357, -129.17349987675482, 6792812.8704163525]
sv: Direct10 ephem observed response(km)              @ epoch: 1365630559.000000 : [320.8276456938389, -19.703680198781303, 43887.572][degrees(, degrees(sat.alt), sat.range]
sv: Direct10 ephem reported llh location(km)          @ epoch: 1365630559.000000 : [0.004647324660923812, -102.8070784813048, 35784.688][degrees(sat.sublat0, degrees(sat.sublong), sat.elevation]
sv: Direct10 ephem calculated xyz location(km)        @ epoch: 1365630559.000000 : [-18435.237655222769, 32449.238763035213, 19596.893001978762][aer2ecef(az,el,range,,obsLoc.lon,obsLoc.alt)]
sv: Direct10 ephem llh from calc xyz location(km)     @ epoch: 1365630559.000000 : [27.727834453026748, 119.60200825103102, 43887.572][ecef2llh()]
sv: Direct10 ephem xyz from reported llh location(km) @ epoch: 1365630559.000000 :[-9346.1899009219123, -41113.897098582587, 3.4164105611003754][llh2ecef(lat,long,elev)]
sv: Direct10 spg84 ecef position(m) @ epoch: 1365630559.000000 : [-9348605.9260040354, -41113193.982686974, -14060.29781505302]
sv: Direct10 spg84 ecef2llh(m)      @ epoch: 1365630559.000000 : [-0.019106864351793953, -102.81049179145006, 42156299.077687651]


  • I feel really dumb but found the issue...

    I was transposing the the latitude and longitude from the site into the PyEphem model (look at line 3-4)...The conversion works currently.

    Let that be a lesson kids. USE GOOD VARIABLE NAMES...don't be lazy like me and lose time trying to find a nonexistent math bug....