I'm trying to set a theme - one only for terminal, and one only for gui. I've read this thread: Run certain Emacs init commands only in GUI mode
Which led me here: https://superuser.com/questions/165335/how-can-i-show-the-emacs-menu-in-gui-emacs-frames-but-not-in-tty-frames-when-usi
And tried to create a function to suit my need.
(defun set-frame-theme (frame)
(let ((want-theme (memq (framep frame) '(x w32 ns))))
(set-frame-parameter frame '(load-theme '(if want-theme monokai solarized-dark) t))))
(add-hook 'after-make-frame-functions 'set-frame-theme)
It doesn't work. I'm trying him to load monokai only if gui, otherwise load solarized-dark. It does work for the GUI interface, but causes the terminal to seemingly crash.
The emacs lisp function, (display-graphic-p) Will return true if emacs is running in a GUI.
In your .emacs, add the following to switch between your GUI and terminal themes
(if (display-graphic-p)
For easier configuration, I have a simple function called is-in-terminal
(defun is-in-terminal()
(not (display-graphic-p)))
you could use this to write an easier to read function
(if (is-in-terminal)
For a more complete approach to Terminal Only configuration I have a macro that works just like progn
but only evaluates the body when Emacs is running without a GUI
(defmacro when-term (&rest body)
"Works just like `progn' but will only evaluate expressions in VAR when Emacs is running in a terminal else just nil."
`(when (is-in-terminal) ,@body))
Example Usage:
This entire block will be totally ignored if running in a GUI, but will run if in Terminal.
All this code was taken from a file in my config, if interested you can check it out here: