I'm working on an admin page to create post for a blog. I have a french textarea and an english textarea. So, for those who cannot translate by there own, I created a button "translate with google":
<a id="tr_textefr" href="http://translate.google.fr/#fr/en/" target="_blank">
Traduire avec Google
And my french textarea has a javascript function called onkeyup
function translate(what){
var button = "tr_" + what;
var textarea = document.getElementById(what);
var google = "http://translate.google.fr/#fr/en/" + textarea.value;
document.getElementById(button).setAttribute('href', google);
For exemple, if I write "Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir ?", it will change the href attribute for "http://translate.google.fr/#fr/en/Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir ?". The link will redirect at the translated version of my text (by google translate).
This code works fine by the way. The thing is that I could have sometimes bbcode inside my text: "Voulez-vous [b]coucher[/b] avec moi ce soir ?".
So, is there a way with google translate to disable translating of some words or sentences ? For exemple, I don't wanna translate the words between two @ : "Voulez-vous @[b]@coucher@[/b]@ avec moi ce soir ?"
Edit (Sep. 2020): Seems that with some API changes this solution is not applicable anymore (at least on the web).
Protecting parts of the string from translation is possible by wrapping them in a <span>
tag with a specific class value (as explained here):
<span class="notranslate">[bold]</span>
Also, Google Translate API will provide you with more flexibility if you don't mind paying a small fee ($20 per 1 M characters).