I am new to GWT / Java and need some ideas on how to solve this (seems like it should be) simple problem.
I have a GWT object and I am trying to test a private method:
public class BarChart extends FlowPanel {
public BarChart() {
privateMethod() {
//want to test this
I've tried JUnit but it needs to be a GWTTestCase since this object needs GWT.create(), and I've tried reflection but GWTTestCase doesn't support it.
In GWT client (included GWTTestCase), you can call private or protected methods using JSNI, this is known as the violator pattern
Given a class with a private method
package com.example;
public class MyClass {
private MyObjectReturn myMethod(MyObjectParam param) {
return null
Create a jsni method and access it
native MyObjectReturn myViolatorMethod(MyClass instance, MyObjectParam param) /*-{
return instance.@com.example.MyClass::myMethod(*)(param);