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How can I see if a Class is built into Java?

I'm doing a Java project at the moment and feel that StringBuffer would help a lot in performing this particular task, where I am 'building' a string representation of a Matrix:

 * Returns a String representation of the Matrix using the getIJ getter
 * function. You should use MaF.dF to format the double numbers to a
 * sensible number of decimal places and place the numbers in columns.
 * @return A String representation of the Matrix
public String toString() {
    //String stringBuilder = new String
    StringBuffer beep = new StringBuffer;
    for(i=0; i<m-1; i++){
        for(j=0; j<n-1; j++){

    // You need to fill in this method

I've tried it in a Java program by itself and it seemed okay, but then I tried some sample Java program from online and it didn't compile. Is StringBuffer built into Java, or would it require importing a package? I am not allowed to import any packages for this project.

Also, if anyone could tell me what exactly MaF.dF is? How it is used? I think it's part of MaInput which I cannot find anything on online.


  • StringBuffer is built into Java and you do not need to import any package. (Its package is java.lang which is "automatically" imported.)


    Check the code below. It runs without any import.

    public class StringBufferUse {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            System.out.println(sb.toString()); /* prints "ab123" */