I have some problems using mnesia:select/2
but I think they are related to MatchHead. In my code I have the following record:
-record(pet_info, {name, id, type}).
I put some values using this record in a Mnesia table (i.e. pet_table). I checked they are actually in table using tv:start()).
I want to retrieve all the ids but my code returns always an empyt list.
This is the salient part of my code
F = fun() ->
Pet = #pet_info{id = '$1', _ = '_'},
mnesia:select(pet_table, [{Pet, [], ['$1']}])
Reply = case mnesia:transaction(F) of
{atomic, ResultOfFun} ->
{aborted, _Reason} ->
{error, aborted}
Can you tell me where is the error?
I have found a solution for my problem.
The table was created as:
mnesia:create_table(pet_table, [{disc_copies, [node()]},
{type, set},
{attributes, record_info(fields, pet_info)}])
and this didn't work.
On the other hand by changing the name of the table to the same name used for the record it works.
mnesia:create_table(pet_info, [{disc_copies, [node()]},
{type, set},
{attributes, record_info(fields, pet_info)}])