I am creating a project with Java, JavaScript, html, css and a MySQL database. I am not using any built tool like ant or maven. I am getting a lot of problems during interacting with my JavaScript and servlet, jdbc and other files. Can anybody please tell me what is the best way of organizing java web project? Please don't tell me to use Ant or Maven or any other built tool. I found a Answer for that, can anybody tell me that where to put my file structure in such organization.My current code is like that:
- aarya(project name)
| -web.xml
- core.html
- css
- lib
I am facing a lot of problem in java and html and JavaScript interaction,please tell me best way of organizing.Please give any elaborative link or detail answer.
The structure of project doesn't matter that much. It is the structute of web archive (war) that matter for a web-server.
You should build and archive you war file as per the standards
Here is the link that explains the structure of a web application