I know that this code here is supposed to create a segment containing the 16-bit code and the data.
segment code16 para public use16
assume cs:code16, ds:code16
But I'm not sure what is the format here.
I think that segment
means we are declaring a segment, code16
is the name, but I'm not sure about para public use16
And may be assume cs:code16, ds:code16
means that we'll be using it for both the code and data.
This is the segment alignment. para
is short for "paragraph", which in this context means 16 bytes. So you're aligning the segment on a 16 byte boundary.
This is the segment combine type. public
means that all segments with this name should be concatenated into a single segment.
This means that the segment will use 16-bit encoding for instruction by default, and that 32-bit instructions will need prefixed opcodes if they'd otherwise be ambigous.