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Upload files using GWT Request Factory

Is it possible to upload file via request factory? Simple example will be really helpful.


  • Actually you can!, I have an application doing it already.

    1. You need browsers supporting the FileApi (modern browsers do)
    2. You have to write some jsni code to read the file content into a base64 string.
    3. You will receive (asynchronously) a string which you can assign to any Bean attribute in your app and send it via RF, RPC, etc.

    Here you have a copy/paste of the most significant code i use:

       public final native void readAsDataURL(MyClass that, FileUpload input) /*-{
         var files =;
         var reader = new FileReader();  
         reader.onload = function (evt) {

    It would be a comming-soon feature on my gwtupload library.