I have an Large Image on Web Page. And a div Below it containing Data. Now, When User Clicks on Button the Div containing Data Must be Overlapped on Image on Specific Location using JQuery.
<img src="Images/FLRegions.png" usemap="#planetmap" style="height: 766px; width: 776px;z-index:1;" class="map" />
<div id="destination">
This div contains Data which must overlap on Image on specific Location using JQuery
Help Appreciated! Thanks!
Put the div inside the other like this:
<div class="container">
<img src="Images/FLRegions.png" usemap="#planetmap" style="height: 766px; width: 776px;z-index:1;" class="map" />
<div id="destination">
This div contains Data which must overlap on Image on specific Location using JQuery
Then use CSS like this:
position: relative;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
It can be moved dynamically with jQuery like this:
left: 0, //enter your position
top: 0
}, 500);